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Various tests, such as a digital rectal exam and urinalysis, may be done to see if you have prostatitis.

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Prostatitis, MSN Doctor Noticias

Symptoms of prostatitis

  • Urination problems

  • Burning sensation or pain when urinating

  • A strong and frequent urge to urinate, even when there is only a small amount of urine

  • Chills and high fever

  • Lower back pain or body aches

  • Low pain in the  belly, in the groin or behind the  scrotum

  • Pressure or pain in the  straight

  • Download  through the urethra accompanying bowel movements

  • Palpitation  genital  and rectal

  • Sexual problems and lack of libido

  • Ejaculation  painful (sexual orgasm)


Various tests, such as a digital rectal exam and urinalysis, may be done to see if you have prostatitis. Correct diagnosis of your exact type of prostatitis is critical to obtaining the best treatment. Even if you don't have symptoms, you should follow your doctor's advice to complete the treatment.

Types of prostatitis and treatments:

Acute bacterial prostatitis:  This type is caused by an infection  bacterial  and appears suddenly (acute). Symptoms are severe chills and fever. There is often blood in the urine. Your PSA level may be higher than normal. You need to go to the doctor's office or emergency room for treatment. It is the least common of the four types, but it is easier to diagnose and treat.

Most cases can be cured with a high dose of  antibiotics, taken for 7 to 14 days, then lower doses for several weeks. You may also need medicine to help you with pain and discomfort. If your PSA level was high, it will probably return to normal when the infection is gone.

Prostatitis, MSN Doctor Noticias

Chronic bacterial prostatitis: Caused also by bacteria, this type of prostatitis does not appear suddenly, but it can be problematic. The only symptoms you may have are bladder infections that keep coming back. The cause may be a defect in the prostate that allows bacteria to accumulate in the  urinary tract. Antibiotic treatment over a long period of time is best for this type. Treatment lasts 4 to 12 weeks. This type of treatment solves about 60% of cases. Long-term, low-dose antibiotics can help relieve symptoms that do not go away.


Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome: This disorder is the most common type of prostatitis but it is also the least understood. It is found in men of any age from the last years of youth to old age, its symptoms can come and go without warning. There may be pain or discomfort in the groin or bladder area. Infection-fighting cells are often present, even though no bacteria are found.


There are several different treatments for this problem, depending on your symptoms. These are anti-inflammatory medications and other pain control treatments, such as warm baths. Other medicines such as  alpha blockers. Alpha blockers relax the  prostate tissue to facilitate the passage of urine. Some men are treated with antibiotics in case symptoms are caused by an undetected infection.


Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis: With this condition there are no symptoms. It is often found when testing for other conditions, such as to determine the cause of infertility or to look for prostate cancer. If you have this type of prostatitis, your PSA test may show a higher than normal number.


Men with this condition usually do not receive treatment, but it is customary to repeat the PSA test if the PSA number is high.

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