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Falta de Deseo Sexual y Testosterona, MSN Doctor Noticias

Lack of Sexual Desire and Testosterone

The lack of Testosterone is one of the main factors of lack of sexual desire, as the years go by the levels decrease, however, there are medical treatments that can raise the levels 

In men, from the age of fifty, there is a progressive decrease in the male hormone (testosterone).

When this decrease is excessive, it causes a series of problems (decreased sexual activity and erection, fatigue, irritability, osteoporosis, etc ...) that seriously affect the quality of life.

This testosterone deficit occurs in one in ten men over the age of fifty and can be adequately treated.

What do we understand by male sexual health?

With age, men produce a series of changes in their hormones, in their prostate and in their body that affect their health and quality of life. For the World Health Organization, the  sexual health  it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being related to sexuality.

The  Male sexual health (prostate - decreased sexual activity - hormonal and body changes) are not only a health problem but also a "quality of life" problem 

Falta de Deseo Sexual y Testosterona, MSN Doctor Noticias
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What clinical manifestations can appear at this stage of life?

The two most common symptoms are:

  • Decreased desire and sexual activity, particularly nocturnal erections.

  • Decreased quality of erection (rigidity).

Accompanying these two main symptoms, some of the following manifestations may or may not appear:

  • Tendency to physical and / or intellectual fatigue

  • Altered mood with a tendency to depression and bad mood

  • Decreased muscle mass and strength

  • Decreased body hair and skin changes

  • Loss of bone density with increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures

  • Increased visceral fat with abdominal obesity

Simultaneously, from the age of forty-five, there is a progressive growth of the prostate that forces one to go to the bathroom more times and urinate with more difficulties.

Decreased sexual activity and prostate growth are related and seriously affect health and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to  "Comprehensive study"  by a uro-andrologist with adequate training and experience in this field.

Falta de Deseo Sexual y Testosterona, MSN Doctor Noticias

Why does this excessive decrease in sexual activity occur?

It is mainly produced by a deficit in the production of the male hormone (testosterone). Testosterone is essential to maintain sexual activity, erection, physical and intellectual vigor, bone mineralization, muscle mass, etc ...

Testosterone is produced in the testes, and these are governed by two glands that are in the brain (the hypothalamus and the pituitary). An excessive deficit of testosterone can be due to problems in the testes or in the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

In addition, with age there can be a decrease in growth hormone and melatonin that accentuate the negative effects of testosterone deficiency.

How can an excessive testosterone deficiency be diagnosed?

Diagnosis is not easy since with age chronic diseases appear (diabetes, cardiovascular problems, tendency to fatigue and depression, etc.) that are superimposed on the symptoms of low testosterone. In fact, many testosterone-deficient men attribute their sexual problems and fatigue to other chronic illnesses and do not consult with the appropriate professional.

The clinical suspicion of a testosterone deficiency must be confirmed by a blood test where the exact number of testosterone is determined.  free and bioavailable testosterone.  The total testosterone figure does not work, what really matters is the free testosterone, which is the one that really works.

What are the benefits of a testosterone treatment?

Multiple studies have shown that well-indicated testosterone treatment produces:

  • Increased desire and sexual activity

  • Increased quality of erection

  • Improved well-being and mood

  • Increased energy and muscle strength

  • Improved bone density and fewer bone fractures

  • Increase in muscle mass and decrease in body fat

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