The urology is the medical-surgical specialty who takes care of the study, diagnosis Y treatment of the pathologies that affect the urinary system, Kidney glands Y retroperitoneum of man, as well as the male reproductive system.
The urologist knows with precision the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, etiology, clinical expression, nosology, diagnostic recognition methods, therapeutic, medical and surgical procedures, of the organs, devices and systems described above, within the scientific, medical and legal scope of the specialty of Urology.
The specialty of Urology covers different pathologies, of low complexity and others of difficult resolution that require diagnoses and treatments with specialists capable of covering all areas of this discipline.
It should be noted that prevention is a primary factor in the specialty, promoting through different campaigns, in order to distribute awareness of the importance of periodic control by visiting the specialist.
Specialist Professionals present us with a variety of topics. See list of topics here
🧿Prostatitis, Relacionado a la Próstata
La prostatitis es la inflamación de la próstata, a menudo por infección.
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🧠Falta de Deseo Sexual por Baja de Testosterona
Es una hormona clave en la salud sexual masculina..
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🔵 H.P.B. Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna
HPB es el crecimiento benigno de la próstata por aumento de células.
🛌 Enuresis: Niños que orinan la cama
Micción involuntaria durante el sueño en niños mayores de 5 años.
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